Sunday, March 13, 2005


Today we went to a birthday party for a friend that the boys went to school with last year. The party was to begin at 1 o'clock. Birthdays are always somewhat chaotic and stressful. But this party was a chuckie cheeses...Millions of children everywhere, screaming & playing around. Okay so that's a bit loud. But to add to the noise, there was constant music playing over all of that. It was impossible to carry a conversation, nevermind to think. Now I'm not the type of parent to leave my children at the party and head out, BUT I can see why at this particular party you would want to. We were the ONLY parents who stuck it out. Two others tried but eventually bailed. This left the birthday boy's parents with about 15ish boys running aimlessly through chuckie cheese's until their parents return.
On top of that, it was CROWDED. I would say in the birthday area alone, there were 8 tables that seated 20 children each. The tables were very close together making it difficult to serve pizza, pop and cake. You could not squeeze by without bumping into someone else at the neighboring table. There was no room for me and Jason so we sat at a separate table that we could see the boys from. It actually worked out okay, because the boys ended up playing games in the area that we were sitting in.
In the middle of all of this there was a stage. Chuckie cheese came out and did a few songs and danced. I think out of all of this... this part was the best. So chuckie is dancing with the employees on the stage. Not just randomly dancing, but a routine. They didn't do too bad... a few of the employees were actually breakin' it down. This made me laugh so hard... they would have definitely have to paid me more than minimum wage to embarrass myself. But who knows maybe they actually dig doing the song and dance. So finally chuckie sings happy birthday to all 8 tables at once, and clears the stage. I'm not sure when the cake was cut because the kids were everywhere but at the table, but eventually the cake was gone. Finally the boys spent their tokens and said thanks for inviting us. In the car on the way home the boys talked about loud it was and that they didn't have much fun because they never really got to talk to their friend. You know it's bad when the kids didn't even enjoy themselves.
Oh more thing that irks me... I think it's rude when you do not order enough food and drinks for everyone including the parents.


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