Yesterday was a very interesting day at school. Thursdays we hold classes 2, 4 & 6. Our schedule is different everyday. Today while in a class, that to me is kind of meant to be like a home room, the fire alarm went off. (This was between 2nd period and 4th) As usual we all thought it was a prank- someone just pulled the alarm. Everyone evacuated the school and stood across the street waiting for the fire department. As we stood there we began to realize that this wasn't just a prank... but at the same time it wasn't anything major either. The fire trucks began to arrive and one by one the firemen actually geared up. That was a clue that everything wasn't just fine. I have seen the fire department arrive several times, for pranks or such, but never had they put on their gear before entering the building. Administration came around and told the staff that indeed there was a small fire in the boy's bathroom on the 3rd floor and we would be outside for quite a while. So there we stood... hoping that the students wouldn't head for taco bell or such. We remained outside for a little over an hour, then word came that if you had a class on the 3rd floor to report to the gym and everyone else report to your regular class. Of course... I would be located on the 3rd floor that period. Thank goodness I work with an amazing teacher. He decided that we would go to the upper level of the gym and continue our scheduled Cold War Quiz. He rewarded the students, who reported to class, with full credit for their quiz. We sat on the floor and went over the quiz out loud together. Being a great teacher shows, that when even in the most unpredictable situations your students show up for class. I was very surprised at the amount of students who actually showed up for class. I would say almost all of them were there. To make a long story short... we all eventually made it back to our regular classrooms. The halls smelled of burnt plastic on the 3rd floor, but everything was okay, only minor damage had occured. And to make the day even better someone thought it would be funny to pull the alarm again... not only once but twice. To say the least, I could no longer think straight by the end of the day and I was thankful when it was time for bed.